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There are some high blood pressure side effects that can cause serious health issues to a person. It is important that the blood pressure is controlled with proper diet control and with adequate medications. High blood pressure, which is also called as hypertension is a silent killer. It can cause death by compounding the existing risk factors. There are some organs that can be damaged because of the high blood pressure.

The normal blood pressure is 120/80. If the blood pressure is more, it is a medical condition termed as hypertension. If you suffer from hypertension or high blood pressure, you need to seek medical intervention immediately. You would need to monitor your blood pressure regularly.

High blood pressure side effects on various organs

  • Brain: There can be bleeding in the brain, also medically known as haemorrhage, which leads to stroke. When a person suffers from stroke, it causes paralysis of some parts of the body, usually one side of the body. In severe cases, it can be fatal. In medical term, this is called as hemorrhage(bleeding) in the brain which leads to cerebro vascular accident(stroke)
  • High blood pressure side effects in the kidneys: There can be damage to the kidneys because of the increased blood pressure. The arteries can be damaged and this can cause nephropathy. Damage to the kidneys can be caused directly by the increased blood pressure.
  • Heart damage: The failure of the heart is directly linked to the hypertension and is one of the high blood pressure side effects. The heart has to pump harder because of the increased blood pressure. This leads to weakness of the heart muscles that are overworked for many years. Each pumping action of the heart will cause the blood to be pumped between the various chambers. Due to the excessive work load that occurs because of the strenuous pumping, there can be heart failure.
  • Retinopathy: Damage to the retina of the eye can also occur because of the increase in the blood pressure in the eye.
  • Pregnancy related complications: There is a condition called as preeclampsia. This is a condition where thee is a sudden increase in the blood pressure of a pregnant woman. Though the blood pressure comes back to normal after the delivery, there can be serious damage to the fetus. The life of the mother can also be at risk because of the high blood pressure.  There can also be serious damage to the fetus that includes brain damage, kidney damage and even death of the fetus.

These high blood pressure side effects can be prevented if the blood pressure is controlled adequately with medications.

What is blood pressure?

The blood pressure is the force of the blood that is exerted on the walls of the arteries in which it is passing. 

There are many different causes of hypertension and these needs to be assessed before the hypertension medications are provided. There are also some side effects of hypertension medications that need to be understood. Regular aerobic exercises and a hypertension diet will be very effective in combating the effects of hypertension. Since the increase in the blood pressure can be fatal, the right methods of overcoming this increase in blood pressure is needed.

David PK

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